EMSeducation.net offers high-quality, interactive, web-based lectures and reviews for your yearly EMS continuing education requirements. Case-based reviews and medically relevant lectures can be viewed from any desktop or laptop-based web browser. The best part is – you can view all of your content at your pace, from your own home, while sitting at your own computer.
As a member subscriber, your user ID will be your email address and you can set your own password. You can log in to view your educational content as much as you like. The current course library contains nearly 600 hours of online continuing education. Each virtual class can be used for one hour of continuing education (please check your individual state’s requirements for licensing and/or certification to be certain CEU’s are applicable. You may also need to seek approval from your medical director.)
Your user account will keep an individualized record of your continuing education, including the number of hours you spend each month and what educational topics you’ve reviewed. This record can be printed for your documentation of educational hours. It’s that simple!
How do we do it? Every class we offer is fully narrated and interactive to keep you engaged in your learning. Embedded quizzes test your knowledge and help deliver the key learning objectives. Final tests are included to document your knowledge retention, assign a pass/fail status and log your time spent learning.
Membership to EMSeducation.net can be purchased either individually, or as part of a group or department. I have priced the membership as low as possible to keep your expense to a minimum. Please consult with your EMS chief or educator if you would like to signup as part of a department or group. Inquiries should be sent to makaufmann@EMSEducation.net. The pricing listed below is per user per year. Individual access is $55/year billed from January 1st to December 31st. All account memberships must be renewed on January 1st. Because the cost is so low, and because you have access to all of the content once you join, all memberships will expire on December 31st. All new subscriptions will need to be renewed on January 1st. Please email makaufmann@EMSEducation.net for additional details.
System Requirements
EMSeducation.net is accessible through any internet-capable web browser on a Mac or PC. All courses published since October 2013 and moving forward are iOS compatible and fully HTML5 compliant.